Deploy IBFT Ethereum Private Network with Hyperledger Besu, Ethstats, Ethernal to AWS Cloud via Terraform

Nhan Cao
1 min readOct 25, 2023

Network configuration

  • Ethereum Client: Besu
  • Ethereum Stats: Ethstats
  • Ethereum Explorer: Ethernal
  • Concensus: IBFT2.0
  • Deploy environment: AWS Cloud via Terraform
  • Gas price: 1000 Wei (0.000001 GWei)
  • Gas limit: 30M
  • Ethereum client: besu
  • Block time: 1s
  • Block size: ~0.6KB

Hardware recommendation

  • AWS instance type: >= t3.medium
  • Processor: x86–64 bit 2–4+ cores
  • Memory: 4–8 GB
  • Storage: 50–100GB
  • Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)


  • AWS account
  • Domain: Namecheap -> Point DNS Nameservers to AWS Route 53. Ex:
  • Terraform account

Setup Blockchain Network Core & Stats monitor

  • 102 resources estimated cost: $424
  • Read more at…

